The Music That Inspires Me
I recently read an interesting blog post by fellow designer, Tyler Hayes. The topic of the post was regarding music he listens to while working. I was motivated to write up my own list of music that inspires me. I love finding new music, so please leave some recommendations in the comments.
In no particular order, here’s ten artists that help me get through a workday:
Bob Dylan
A true living legend of our time. Bob Dylan has surely impacted every other artist on this list in some way. A full week doesn’t go by that at least a few songs off Blood On the Tracks or Highway 61 don’t get played.
Ryan Adams
This one will come as no surprise to anyone who knows me. The alt-country sounds of Mr. Ryan Adams gets more than a few spins on my iTunes. As evident by my account.
The Beatles
Legendary. I won’t type another word, fearing I could never do them proper justice.
Bon Iver
Every creative professional I know, has some affection for folk artist, Bon Iver. Believe me, you owe it to yourself to give For Emma, Forever Ago at least few listens. A friend of mine scheduled his wedding the same day I was supposed to see Bon Iver live at the Museum of Fine Art. Part of me still hasn’t forgiven him.
El Ten Eleven
Like many others I first discovered L.A.’s El Ten Eleven in the documentary film, Helvetica. Some incredible, thought provoking instrumentals that help keep both the day and your imagination going.
Hailing from Battle, England, Keane has taken the world by storm. If you’ve written these guys off in the past, give Perfect Symmetry a chance. If you don’t like it; I’ll buy you a beer.
What can you say about Wilco that hasn’t already been said. One of the most underrated, but influential bands of our time. Spark up Dreamweaver, turn on some Yankee Foxtrot Hotel, and you’ll be amazed with what you can come up with.
English singer/songwriter, Matthew Hales better known as Aqualung provides the soundtrack to days when I’d prefer to mentally escape the walls of my office, but deadlines keep me in my chair.
Explosions In The Sky
I was first introduced to this Texas post-rock instrumental band, by my friend, fellow designer and former coworker, Chris Simari. Great for when vocals cause too much distraction.
Sigur Rós
Another incredible band for when you want to get down and dirty with all those PSDs, Icelandic post-rock band, Sigur Rós.